Friday, August 5, 2011


work has been nuts lately.  people left, people came back, my boss got fired, two staff members got fired, i got a new boss.  we are seriously understaffed and we need more people badly.  my former boss was psycho so i'm glad she's gone, but the whole thing has left such a bad taste in my mouth.  i like my new boss, but i just want out of there.  i am also grossly underpaid.  i've been looking for awhile now but so far nothing...i applied for a particular job with a court and i want it so bad i could taste it.  right now i'm working three jobs and i feel like i could drop from exhaustion.

i just feel like i need a change overall.  i'm trying to get over the end of my marriage, so i want other things to change so i really feel like i'm starting over.  i'm growing my hair out, gonna change the color, need a new job....i always do that, try to change on the outside to help change the inside.

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