Thursday, January 20, 2011

so. exhausted.

my body is so fucking beat.

between last Thursday and today I have taught eight times.  plus the idiot in me decided to kick my own ass with my new kettlebell last night.  so during class tonight i could barely hold my hands up - not a good thing in a kickboxing class - need to be able to use arms for the "boxing" part.

had therapy today.  i told my therapist i wanted to stop taking the Ambien he put me on last month.  who cares if i can't sleep?  it is making me trip all over the place, and by trip i mean hallucinations, walking into walls, blackouts.  and i'm enjoying it.  it scares me, it makes me miss drinking more, it makes me think how else i can get high.  i need to get it out of my house before i really fuck up my sobriety.

it is so ironic that i am desperate to get it out of my house, because here i sit, less than six feet away from a stockpile of medication that could kill a herd of horses.  it's all leftover medication from when i discontinued various prescriptions.  i haven't touched it in years, but i need it there.  just in case.  which is stupid, if i wanted to OD i could find a million things in the store to OD on (and have OD'd on Aleve and nearly died) but i can't let go of my stockpile. 

my therapist said it would be a step forward in my recovery if i could get rid of it.  but i can't, the very thought of it makes me so anxious.  i'm sure i would be ok and once it was done i'd be like, that wasn't so hard.  but i still can't.

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