Sunday, December 12, 2010


man, i have been in a funk lately.  like, really, really down.  i'm just feeling so overwhelmed lately, everything just seems too hard, too exhausting.  i don't know if it's the stress with work, or my marriage - it's not going very well at all for various reasons - or if it's just me.  i am really withdrawing from people, i don't want to talk to anyone or do anything.  i'm just blah.

tomorrow i have to teach, but i'm planning on staying under 500.  i just want to drop weight, i don't even really care about anything else anymore.


  1. It will get better :) don't worry to much about food right now, just try and get your head in a good place.<3

  2. Naww honey *internet hugz*
    I'm sorry you're in a rut. It'll get better, you just need to stay optimistic.

    you'll feel better once you lose the next pound :)

  3. I know what you mean about not caring about anything else...
    I hope things get better soon
