Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas...

....and happy festivus to the rest of us!

my day was nice - last night t and i went to visit my FIL and his girlfriend at their place, had dinner and exchanged gifts.  this morning we got up, had our christmas, then my dad and his gf came over.  we exchanged gifts, then we all went over to her daughter's for dinner.  lots of running around but not too bad.  i just hate that ever since my dad started dating this woman, spending holidays with him means spending the holidays with her extended family.  most of them are nice (though there is one real dickhead) but it's all awkward small talk, plus they're all drinking and i'm not.  she doesn't believe in tv, so there's not even that distraction.  but, it's over and now i can relax...i'm taking monday and tuesday off work and hopefully i'll actually be able to enjoy it and not stress about work and what i might be missing.

there was food fucking everywhere at her place though.  i was always sure to have food on a plate in front of me, which helps people leave me alone.  though it sucks to have food right there, i made sure it wasn't anything i liked too much.  since i have mon and tues off i'm planning on fasting.  i'll skip the gym so i can really get away with having nothing.

t got me undies from victoria's secret - i think it's my favorite present, he's never bought me lingerie before.  i told him that i needed it (which is true) so he didn't come up with it entirely on his own, but he picked them out :-)

1 comment:

  1. So glad to read you're taking Monday and Tuesday off. In my neck of the woods, the judges are off until the beginning of the new year so most of the attorneys take off for parts unknown for most of the last week of December. I hope you enjoy this time and are able to rest and recharge.
