Tuesday, December 14, 2010

i can't believe it's only Tuesday

Tuesday??  between yesterday and today i've worked 25 hours.  i feel like i've worked a week already.  the thing that really pisses me off is that i spend so much time cleaning up other people's shit that i don't have time to do my own work, so i have to come in at 5am in the fucking morning just so i can make a dent in my own stuff.

i hate this shit.  and the firm last week said i should hear something at the start of this week.  with each day that passes, i'm feeling less and less likely that things went my way.

the only upside of stress: lack of both time and desire to eat.  however, when i'm stressed i also don't drop weight as easily even though eating less comes naturally.  i think my body knows it's in battle mode and is hanging on to every fucking fat cell i have.  at this rate i'll never meet my new year's goal - but i have to think positive!!  if i didn't have to go to work so early i could go to spin class....shit.  maybe i can sneak out and go to a step class in the afternoon and then go back to work refreshed.  i always lose faster if i can get in more exercise than usual...but the weather is a factor as well, i don't want to be driving in a blizzard.

goddamn it.  why is life getting in the way of my weightloss??!  i need something to keep me happy and keep me going through all this...


  1. I´m sorry you are so stressed sweetie =( I´m sure it´ll get better
    It´s good that you´re looking at the positive side of feeling like this, you´ll drop weight and get to you new year´s goal, don´t worry.

  2. That really makes for a long work week.

    Does your husband carry health insurance? I'm asking because I'm curious about your feelings on self-employment. You wouldn't be the first to hang out her own shingle after a few years polishing her craft. There's a lot to be said for being your own boss...
