Tuesday, March 1, 2011

i've stopped home after work before going to the gym to teach.  usually i'll bring my clothes with me and go straight to the gym from work, but i'm not teaching until 7:30 (subbing) and that's a lot of extra time at the gym, even for me.  i don't like to do cardio before i teach a class, i need to be as fresh as possible, so i've come home instead.  it's odd to be here at 6pm.

i made this rice noodle dish with shrimp and veggies for t to have when he gets home.  it's pretty low cal, it's only got a bit of soy sauce for flavor.  i feel like a bad wife, i really don't cook very much.  if i lived alone i would never cook.  t has started reaching for pizza if there's nothing to eat and that is horrible for me, so better to try and make something to keep other bad food out of the house.

i have been feeling very much like a failure lately.  i haven't lost any notable weight in ages.  i have 20 pounds to go to get to my all time low.  i want it so bad!   what is my problem??!


  1. Plateaus suck :[ Im sure you can push through it though! <33

  2. There is nothing wrong with you. Its a curse all of us has. We gain just thinking of food and takes forever to get rid of the monster!

    Hang in there. I am sure you will make it.
