Wednesday, February 2, 2011

i fucking hate food

why is it on my mind all the fucking time??  Especially when i'm frustrated at work....all i want to do is go find something to eat, when i can't stand being at my desk for a moment longer.  of course, once i get to the kitchen area i don't want to eat anything, so i just end up wearing a hole in the carpet wandering back and forth like an idiot.

but i'm at 750's Wednesday so i didn't want to go over 500 :( and i can't get to the gym.  i'll use my kettleball later and do some strength training though, so hopefully that will help the anxiety a bit.

i'm already having serious anxiety about Sunday....why oh why does this damn football game revolve so fucking much about food!?

ugh.  i hate Glee.  i can't wait for that show to go off the air.


  1. How great to hear someone finally say that! Though I love Jane Lynch, the simpering idiots on Glee are too much.

    Could you make a safe dish to eat on Sunday? Like, guacamole with fat free Greek yogurt and pureed peas, or an artificially sweetened fruit dip?

    At least your pacing burns a few calories, right? Take some pride that you're able to walk out of the kitchen each time.

  2. I think about food alot too. I also went over the 500 calories, I think thats fine, its hard to do 500 only.

    Are you going to a superbowl party sunday? does everyone watch to make sure you eat?

    Ive never seen Glee...thank :)

  3. I know how you feel when it comes to food. I am the same way. Luckily I don't work on Sunday but stay strong hun, and yes I can't wait for glee to stop.
