Thursday, October 13, 2011

long days

every day this week i've left my apt at 7:30am and not gotten back til 9pm or so.  i am so beat.

still in pain.  i am so frustrated about not working out and being in pain and feeling lonely that i am eating way too much, and that of course makes me feel worse which makes me eat more.  i polished off a whole pint of ben and jerry's tonight.  so not right.

ben and jerry's
lean cuisine
greek yogurt
cereal with soy milk

about 2800 calories.  kill me now.

1 comment:

  1. Your days have been really long. Are you able to get home sooner or is your schedule going to be like this for a while?

    Is there anything you can take for the pain. Its hard to concentrate with pain like that.

    I get the same way, I think thats why I have been giving into the giant symphany bars which would equal the same amount of calories as a pint of Ben and Jerries, maybe even more.

    Do you have a "real" day off this weekend? I hope so.
