Sunday, September 25, 2011


today was a little better...i think it was just the buildup of stress over my first month at the new job, the gym hassling me, i didn't get paid on time, feeling fat, etc etc etc.  i had coffee with a friend after the gym and just started bawling in the middle of Panera, and pretty much went that way all day.  but today was better.  i got some new eyeshadow, that helped. :)

oatmeal - 200
yogurt - 140
golean crunch cereal w soymilk - 300
shrimp and rice - 400
junior mints - 250

1290 total.  wall sits, leg circles, taught dance class.

daily exercises for the week: 

60 second book lift - extend your arms straight in front of you like you're a zombie, with a hardcover book resting on your hands and hold for 60 seconds.  Try to do two sets, if it's too easy get a heavier book.

lying down - 3 sets of 30 leg lifts on each side

extra challenge for the week:

two large water bottles of water a day (about 1.5 liters)
no eating after 8pm, no matter what

1 comment:

  1. I hope your doing better. A good cry can help. Buying something to treat yourself always helps too :)

    Great extra challenge - I broke it already, before reading this...

    I look forward to trying the book lift.
